Today I would have told you

I would have told you about the guy in my class who turned in a selfie for a photo project. Not an artistic, “witty-critique-of-social-media-selfie”, but a photo he took of himself on the bus with the front-facing camera. His lips are kind of puckered. In class, he presented his work: “This represents me being really tired.”

I would have told you about the guy at the gym wearing an Alpha Phi tank top. There has to be a joke there somewhere. (More importantly, I went to the gym!!!!!!)

I would have told you about how I worked out (see above) and ate a whole apple. Half an apple. 10 pieces of candy.

I would have told you about how I played Timbaland on Spotify (not private session) because I hoped you’d see it and tease me. My followers will never take me seriously again.

I would have told you that you’re right, love is selfish. And I decided to stop writing these down.